Friday, April 23, 2010

Region One is Blogging!

Hello friends in AHS Region One -

Springtime means new beginnings, doesn't it? So here's something new for the members of AHS Region One - our blog!

Our newsletter, The Daylily Pioneer, is only mailed twice a year. That seems hardly enough for all the daylily happenings in our region, so we thought we'd try blogging as a way to keep connected all year long.

So sign up to follow this blog - or just check back frequently. We'll keep you posted on what's happening around the region.

We'd like this to be a collaborative blog - one where several people can post - kind of like one big family. If you'd like to be a contributor, email me, and I'll get you set up so you can post.

By the way, that Pioneer is going in the mail next week. Hope you like the sneak peek of the cover featuring Gerald Hobbs of Ft. Madison, Iowa.

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